
Primary LanguageHTML

The r9y.dev website

This repository contains the code for the website hosted at r9y.dev.

If you want to make changes to the map, you need to look at this repository instead.

Local Development

If you want to make changes to the website, fork this repository, make your changes, and then submit a pull request.

Testing locally

To test this site locally, run the following commands:

bundle install
bundle exec jekyll s -w --verbose --livereload

If you're running on a remote instance you can run to bind to all interfaces:

bundle install
bundle exec jekyll s -w --verbose --livereload --host=

Then vist http://localhost:4000/, or http://yourhostname:4000 in a browser. The site should automatically reload as you change the content.

Note, this requires the ruby and ruby-dev packages installed, eg. on Ubuntu:

apt install ruby ruby-dev ruby-bundler

you may also need to run 3.1.3 (3.2 doesn't work)

first ensure `rbenv`` is working

rbenv install 3.1.3
rbenv local 3.1.3