
basic webpack + babel and junk

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Sorry. The web ecosystem is wild.

Here is a boilerplate that does as little as possible. You get webpack for bundling and dev server. Also Babel and corejs to enable ES6 syntax. Grape!

A quick tour:


Webpack configuration for combining and compiling all of your code and assets into a static bundle. It's a nightmare land.

Webpack plugins enable wild things like importing CSS or JSON so that webpack will inject it into the DOM for you, using an HTML template for your index.html and like annoyingly more.

Also, webpack provides a dev server which compiles your bundle and updates it each time you make a code change.


New JavaScript language features keep coming out but browsers cant keep up with em. Babel tries its best to transpile "new" JavaScript to older JavaScript which works in more browsers and environments. babel.config.json configures babel. It's another nightmare place, don't go there.


Webpack dynamically generates assets and junk, so your base index.html is no longer like "HEY GUYS JUST LOAD MY JAVASCRIPTS FROM INTERNET!". Anyway, just let webpack generate index.html for you. HtmlWebpackPlugin do that, and it uses src/index.ejs as the template.


This is the main entrypoint to your app. Like, go nuts.


This was developed on nodejs 10x, but 12x is probably fine too.

Install deps:

npm install

Then start dev server (with hot reload!):

npm run start

And point your web browser at http://localhost:8080.


You can build a bundle optimized for production with:

npm run build

The bundle will end up in the dist dir. You can make the code publicly available somewhere (Amazon S3, GCP Storage Bucket) oooorrr if you want to test the prod build locally, you can serve the build prod fils from a local http server.

npm run serve:prod

And point your web browser at http://localhost:8080.