Multivariate mixed membership modeling: Inferring domain-specific risk profiles

This tutorial shows how to reproduce simulation results in Section 6 Multivariate mixed membership modeling: Inferring domain-specific risk profiles.

As first step, download and install the package MMM by running the following code (or using devtools)

R CMD build MMM
R CMD INSTALL MMM -l your_path

Once the R package has been correctly installed, the following .md files provide instruction and R code to reproduce Figure 2–5 and Tables 1 and 2 of the paper, and figure S2–S5 and Tables S1 and S2, in the Supplementary Material.

  • The file contains the R code to generate the data for all the proposed scenarios.

  • The file contains instruction on how to estimate the proposed MMM model on the simulated data.

  • The file contains instruction on how to estimate MM models based on R package mixedMem.

  • The file contains instruction on how to estimate MM models using the software NIMBLE.

  • The file contains code to produce Figures 3 to 5, and Tables 1 and 2.

  • The file contains code to produce Figures S1 to S5, and Tables S1 and S2 of the Supplementary Material.