
This repository contains the code to implement the methods proposed in "A cautious decision-theoretic use of auxiliary outcomes in clinical trials" and to replicate the main figures and tables in the manuscript and the Supplementary Material.

  • The folder R/ contains some R functions used to produce the results.

  • The folders multiple_tests_prior_K2/ and multiple_tests_prior_K6/ contains codes to compute optimal decision functions for the proposed Auxiliary-Augmented procedure for Section 5 of the manuscript.

  • The folders multiple_tests_K2/ and multiple_tests_K6/ contains codes to produce the results of Section 5 of the manuscript.

  • The folder sequential_prior_simulations contains code to compute the optimal solution for the sequential design described in Section 6 of the manuscript

  • The folder sequential_data_results contains the code to replicate the results for Section 6.