
Packages for the r-universe of rOpenSpain. This repo lists the packages of rOpenSpain on json format

rOpenSpain setup for the r-universe

This repository holds a packages.json files with the packages to be included in the dedicated universe ropenspain.r-universe.dev/

Source universe for ropenspain: https://github.com/r-universe/ropenspain

Last deployment: https://ropenspain.r-universe.dev

Adding a new package to the r-universe

Just commit to packages.json with the following information:


    "package": "name_of_the_package",
    "url": "https://url_of_the_repo",
    "branch" : "optional: name_of_the_branch e.g main",
    "subdir": "optional: name_of_the_subdir"

In a few minutes it would be available on https://ropenspain.r-universe.dev.


# Enable this universe
options(repos = c(
  ropenspain = "https://ropenspain.r-universe.dev",
  CRAN = "https://cloud.r-project.org"

# Install some packages

# Alternatively a single line
install.packages("rostemplate", repos = c("https://ropenspain.r-universe.dev", "https://cloud.r-project.org"))