Ryan Huang, Lanh Hong

Made a swap1.sh, similar to the given swap2.sh.

Made a swap3.sh which takes an argument which is the image name to swap to.

Made a doswap.sh which takes an argument, removes latest running container,
run new image with argument as name, call swap3.sh with argument

Steps for demonstrating the hotswap.

CLEANUP: ./cleanup.sh

1) Run "./dorun.sh" and check that both images are running (docker ps -a).

2) "docker-machine ip default" to get IP of the machine

3) Open browser and check ip:port (localhost:8888)

4) Remove web1 using its hash (docker rm -f HASH)

5) Start web2: "docker run -dP --net ecs189_default --name web2 activity2"

6) Run swap2: "docker exec ecs189_proxy_1 /bin/bash /bin/swap2.sh"

7) Wait and check that the page has updated to new version.

8) Repeat steps 4-7 for web1.

9) Test the extra credit script.
   - ./dorun.sh
   - ./doswap.sh IMAGENAME