
Play Mortal Kombat with the camera as your input device and your body/pose as a controller.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Made with Python Stars Forks Open Issues Open Source Love Built with Love

Play Mortal Kombat with the camera as your input device and your body/pose as a controller.

Video Tutorial: LRBY | YouTube


It converts given image of pose into keystroke (accorging to the given config). This is done broadly in 4 simple steps:

  • OpenCV capture image if any motion is detected (via frame differencing)
  • MediaPipe returns (x, y) coordinates of the each body part (if found)
  • We use Mathematics to determine what pose is and which key that pose is associated with
  • PyAutoGUI to input the keystroke

📷 Image Processing


Move Pose Image Mathematics
UP ankles should be above knees
DOWN dist(hip->nose) : dist(hip->knee) > 7 : 10
LEFT (perpendicular of r_ankle->l_ankle) should be right of right_hip
slope(right_hip->ankle) for both ankles should be b/w -65° and -115°
RIGHT same as above but with left_hip
FRONT_PUNCH slope(left_shoulder->left_wirst) should be b/w -10.5° and 10.5°
angle(left_shoulder<-left_elbow->left_wirst) should be b/w 169.5° and 190.5°
TLDR: arm should parallel to ground
BACK_PUNCH same as above but with right arm
FRONT_KICK slope(left_ankle->left_hip) should be b/w 45° and 135°
BACK_KICK same as above but with right leg
THROW wrist should be above elbow of same arm, they both should be above nose
TAG dist(wrists) : dist(elbows) < 3 : 10
angle(left_elbow<-wirsts->right_elbow) should be b/w 169.5° and 190.5°
TLDR: forearms should parallel to ground
BLOCK wrist should be above nose, they both should be above elbow of same arm



Lets start the standard procedure for python project setup.

  • Clone the repository
$ git clone https://github.com/ra101/Pose2Input-MK9.git
  • Create the virtualenv and activate it
$ cd Pose2Input-MK9
$ virtualenv venv
$ source ./venv/bin/activate # unix
$ .\venv\Scripts\activate.bat  # windows
  • Install requirements
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
  • copy content of .env.template into .env (one can use dump-env as well)
$ cat .env.template > .env

Env Help Guide:

Env Variables Defination Default Value
Pose2Input Variables:
CAMERA_PORT Camera Port for OpenCV 0
DELAY_TIME A Delay before Starting the Program 0
LOG_FPS FPS Setting for logs 20
MOTION_THRESHOLD_FACTOR More the value is, More the Motion is Captured 64
PyAutoGUI Constants:
PYAUTO_PAUSE Time (sec) to pause after each PyAuto Function Call 0.1
Input Config:
UP KeyStroke for UP (used by PyAuto) up
DOWN KeyStroke for Down (used by PyAuto) down
<move> KeyStroke for <move> (used by PyAuto) <key>


One can simply run the application by this

$ python run.py

but for calibration, optional arguments are provided

Argument Alias Purpose Deafult
--help --h Shows the available options -
--debug_level <0, 1, 2, 3> --d <0, 1, 2, 3> Set Different Levels of Information for Logs or Live feed (explained below this table) 0
--log_flag --l Stores the video_log in "logs" folder (.avi) False
--live_flag -L Displays the Captured Video False


  • Levels:
    • 0: Raw Video Footage
    • 1: 0 + FPS and Output Moves
    • 2: 1 + Virtual Exoskeleton of Body Parts Found
    • 3: 2 + Black Screen if no motion found
  • If debug_level > 0 and no flag is selected, then log_flag is automatically set to True

Example of all flags being used:

$ python run.py --debug_level 3 --live_flag --log_flag

📃Breakdown of requirements.txt

Dependency Usage
Python-DotENV Reads the key-value pair from .env file and adds them to environment variable.
OpenCV-Python Image Processing library which uses NumPy containers
MediaPipe Offers cross-platform, customizable ML solutions for live and streaming media.
PyAutoGUI It can control the mouse and keyboard to automate interactions with other applications.







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