Row and Column Sorting

Write a program that reads a matrix of numbers separated by newlines and whitespace, like this:

	10 5 4 20
	9 33 27 16
	11 6 55 3

then calculates the sums for each row and column. For our example above:

	Row Sums: 39 85 75
	Column Sums: 30 44 86 39

then prints two new matrices, one where the rows are sorted by their sums (ascending from top to bottom) and one where the columns are sorted by their sums (ascending from left to right). The correct output from the example above:

	10 5 4 20
	11 6 55 3
	9 33 27 16
	10 20 5 4
	9 16 33 27
	11 3 6 55

Starter code provides a function to read a number grid from a textfile and return a list of list of integers where matrix[r][c] is the number at row #r and column #c.

If we are using the example matrix then:

matrix = read_matrix('testmatrix0.txt')
matrix[1][2] == 27  # this is true

testmatrix0.txt is the data from this README. testmatrix1.txt is a larger dataset.

For bonus points, format your output matrices nicely (align the columns, draw boxes with - and |...)