
A simple cross system calendar / task management app written in Flutter

Primary LanguageDart


This is the corrosponding frontend for a task / calendar app with minimal dependencies. It is purely written in Dart + Flutter and is also supported as web version. BloC is used as state management library.

The app is an infinity horizontal calendar scroller that allows you to create notes / tasks and add a timestamp to them. You can take a look at the screenshots below to get a better understanding:

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The frontend covers basic CRUD operations for tasks. Tasks can be marked as done as well as carry on tasks which means they will pop on each day of the calendar until you have finished them.

The backend is written in Go and uses Echo + GORM. Authentication is done with JWT. You can find the backend here.

If you want to get the web version going of this app you can use the Dockerfile which will start the Flutter app web version. Otherwise just clone or download the repository and do it the usual Flutter way.

Make sure that the .env file contains the URL of the backend. If you run everything locally you could for instance use:


This is a pure work in progress side time project and has only educational purpose. The project is not finished and is probably buggy somewhere.

It is supposed to serve as an starting point for Flutter development and show how Flutter works for web and mobile with one code base and also can provide an example on how to structure a simple Flutter app with statemanagement.


This library and its content is released under the MIT License.