
Drillie, your legal mining guide chatbot.

Primary LanguagePython

Drillie: Legal Mining Guide Chatbot

Project in Progress

Welcome to Drillie, your legal mining guide chatbot. Drillie is an innovative project developed for Smart India Hackathon 2023 (SIH) aimed at providing assistance and information regarding mining operations in India. This README provides an overview of Drillie's functionalities and how to use it.

Repository Composition

  • "data" folder: Contains datasets and data-related resources.
  • "images" folder: Stores images, including the Drillie logo.
  • "models" folder: Houses pre-trained and fine-tuned models used by the chatbot.
  • "templates" folder: Contains HTML/CSS templates for the web interface.
  • "app.py": The main Python script that powers the Drillie chatbot.
  • "README.md": The document you are currently reading.
  • "req.txt": A list of required Python packages and their versions.


Drillie offers a wide range of features to assist users in their mining-related queries:

  1. Intelligent Model Switching: Drillie utilizes one of four existing models to answer questions and can summarize complex statements for easy comprehension.

  2. Web Scraping: The chatbot periodically scrapes relevant websites to ensure that it provides up-to-date information to users.

  3. Friendly Persona: Maintains user-friendly conversations by impersonating a friendly persona, enhancing the overall user experience.

  4. Mining Information: Provides instant, real-time answers on mining procedures, licenses, regulations, efficiency enhancements, and streamlining compliance processes.

  5. Website Navigation: Offers seamless website navigation by providing relevant links to meet the user's specific requirements.

  6. Summarization: Efficiently summarizes responses to queries with a 'Summarize' button for quick and easy comprehension.

  7. Up-to-Date Information: Provides current and accurate information about mining rules and regulations in India.

Technologies Used

Drillie leverages state-of-the-art technologies to provide a powerful and user-friendly experience:

  • Transformers: Utilizes the capabilities of the Transformers toolkit, which offers a rich variety of pretrained models for text, vision, and audio tasks.

  • Roberta Base Squad 2: This model, embedded within the transformer library, achieves exceptional performance by fine-tuning with SQuAD2.0 on question-answer pairs, bringing powerful NLP capabilities to our chatbot.

Getting Started

To get started with Drillie, follow these steps:

  1. Clone this repository to your local machine.
  2. Install the required Python packages listed in requirements.txt.
  3. Run app.py to start the Drillie chatbot.

Contact Information

For any questions or feedback related to Drillie, please contact or ping any contributors of this project.

Thank you for your interest in Drillie: Legal Mining Guide Chatbot! We are working hard to make mining-related information more accessible and user-friendly as part of the Smart India Hackathon 2023 (SIH).