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#Github-scraper How to use

After cloning it to local

git clone git@github.com:raabbajam/github-scraper
cd github-scraper
npm i

create a local.js file with your credentials

cp local.sample.js local.js
nano local.js

type npm run to see what commands you can use

npm run

Here is some command

    DEBUG=raabbajam:* CONFIG=test mocha tests/*Spec.js tests/**/*Spec.js
    DEBUG=raabbajam:* node index.js
    DEBUG=raabbajam:* node filter.js
    DEBUG=raabbajam:* node scraper.js
    DEBUG=raabbajam:* node formatter.js
    DEBUG=raabbajam:* node restart.js
    DEBUG=raabbajam:* pm2 start index.js
    DEBUG=raabbajam:* pm2 start filter.js
    DEBUG=raabbajam:* pm2 start scraper.js
    DEBUG=raabbajam:* pm2 logs filter
    pssh -l root -o /tmp/out -h ./servers.txt
    pssh -l root -o /tmp/out -h ./servers.txt 'pm2 reload filter'

File structure

  • index.js run using command npm start. This script will take a random sample of github user and put it on data storage, for filter task.
  • filter.js run using command npm run filter. This script will take a filter task from redis and check if it suitable based on requirement. If suitable will be put in data storage for further scrape task.
  • scraper.js run using command npm run scraper. This script will take a filtered user and will start scrape everything about this user and it's repositories data. In the end it will put scraper data to data storage.
  • formatter.js run using command npm run formatter. This script will take all scraped data and will outputted a formatted csv and json.
  • restart.js run using command npm run restarter. This script will take remove all old data and restart the project from zero.
  • services/ is a directory for custom package that can only used in this project
  • libs/ is a directory for a unit package or method that can be reused on other project