
The MovieFlix is a Flutter App, where the user can easily search for movies titles and see its details.

Primary LanguageDart


✨ About

The MovieFlix is a Flutter App, where the user can easily search for movies titles, see their synopsis, ranking, and release date. It also allows the user to see some popular titles and upcoming movies. To make this happen I used a popular movie API called The Movie DB.

⚡ Demo


🎯 My Goal

My main goal was to make an app that fetches data from the web, so I could practice how to make HTTP requests, consume data from an API, with pagination, and display it. I also wanted to learn how to use Provider, and practice the MVVM architecture.

✏️ Refactor

After a while, I decided to refactor the project using a few concepts I've learned through the year such as:

  • Dependency Injection
  • Repository pattern
  • Inject View Models with Provider per demand
  • Debounce on search
  • Mixins

📖 What did I learned

  • MVVM architecture
  • Provider
  • Pagination
  • PageView Builder
  • Future Builder

🚀 How to Use

  • Clone this project
git clone https://github.com/raangelbeatriz/movieflix.git
  • Open your project, and then get the packages
flutter pub get
  • Go to The Movie DB website, make an account and generate an API key
  • Go into the constant file, under the file folder, and paste your API key in the apiKey variable
  • On your terminal, run your flutter project
flutter run

This project was developed ❤️ by @Beatriz Rangel