To-Do List is an app where the user can create, manage and delete tasks. This project was made using a modular architecture, Provider and Change Notifier as a state manager, and Firebase Auth. My goal was to learn more about modular architecture and topics such as Dependency Injection and the use of Service Layers.
- Register with Firebase
- Login with password and Google Sign In
- Logout
- Create a task
- Mark a task as finished
- Delete with a swipe
- Filter finished/unfinished tasks
- Flutter
- Provider as a State Manager
- SQLite Database
- Firebase Auth
- Clone this project
git clone
- Open your project, and then get the packages
flutter pub get
Make sure you have a Firebase account and then create a project, you can name it todo-list
Make sure you have Firebase CLI installed in your machine, documentation
Use firebase CLI to add firebase to your app, documentation
After this you'll notice the firebase_options file on your project in this root
app -> lib -> firebase_options.dart
If you want to use the Google Sign-In, generate an SHA-1 key, with the following command or generate through android studio
keytool -list -v -alias androiddebugkey -keystore %USERPROFILE%\.android\debug.keystore
Go to Firebase, project settings, and copy the key there
On Firebase Page go to Authentication, and choose the Email/Password and Google Sign-In methods
On your terminal, run your flutter project
flutter run
This project was developed ❤️ by @Beatriz Rangel, following the classes of @Academia do Flutter