Vakinha Burger is a delivery app, in Portuguese, where the user can choose a burger and order it from the restaurant. This project was made during Dart Week, a one-week code immersion, using the MVC architecture, Bloc as a state manager.
- Register and Login
- Auth and Refresh Token
- Product Details
- Shopping cart functionality
- Add/Remove items from cart
- Order Product
- Flutter
- Auth and Refresh Token
- Bloc as a State Manager
- Shared Preferences
- Dio
- Match Package
While coding this project and watching the Dart Week Videos I've got the opportunity to learn and practice things that I don't get to use that much on my own projects. A few examples are using Bloc, with equatable and things like the match pattern. It was great to learn and experience other ways of building projects.
- Clone this project
git clone
- Open your project, and then get the packages
flutter pub get
- Install the json rest server package using the following command
dart pub global activate json_rest_server
- Create the backend project
json_rest_server create .\backend
- Copy the files, config and database, from the following project and past it on your backend folder
- Run the project using
json_rest_server run
Get your ip adress and copy into the env file making a reference to the 8080 port, on the vakinha_burguer project
On vakinha_burguer project run the project
This project was developed ❤️ by @Beatriz Rangel, following the classes of the Dart Week an @Academia do Flutter code immersion.