Hi there 👋 I'm Ventispurr, still learning to code as I go.. but im learning :D

  • 🏠 I Live on discord pretty much and play video games.. I'm also self taught in coding :D
  • 🤖 I've made 2 discord bots that i'm really proud of! Uteki and Uteki Beats (they are currently discontinuted and waiting for future purpose.
  • 💻 I program mainly when im bored, or have nothing else to do.
  • 🤓 I help people learn some basics of coding aswell.. Its just what I do.
  • ⚡ I'm always on discord! so you can add me here -> awoou

Languages and tool i use:

Visual Studio Code HTML5 CSS3 Sass JavaScript React Gatsby GraphQL Node.jsTerminal