
Projet minishell 42 PERPIGNAN

Primary LanguageC


Minishell is a lightweight implementation of the Unix shell designed for educational purposes at 42 School. Our goal is to provide students hands-on experience developing a command interpreter capable of handling input, output, and executing commands.

Getting Started

To begin working on the minishell project, follow these steps:

Clone the repository onto your local machine:

git clone [https://github.com/rabatm/minishell.git](https://github.com/rabatm/42_Minishell)
cd minishell

Install dependencies required for building the project, which typically include Make and Git tools.

On Ubuntu, run:

sudo apt install make git

Compile the source files to generate the binary executable named minishell, located inside the build directory:



Type commands directly into the terminal window running the minishell application. To exit the mini-shell, enter the following command followed by pressing Enter:


Built With

GNU Make: Used for managing builds, compilation, and dependency resolution. Contributing Please submit Pull Requests against the development branch, rather than the master branch.


Minishell is licensed under MIT License. See LICENSE for full details.


rabatm - https://github.com/rabatm svanmarc - https://github.com/svanmarc