Digital Ocean Functions Challenge

This repository is a just a showcase of different languages calling and being a Digital Ocean function.

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Table Of Contents

Language Subject Link
Go CLI Using Functions

Deploy with DigitalOcean CLI doctl serverless

doctl sls deploy .

Output from deploy will look like this:

Deploying '/path/to/main/digitalocean-functions-challenge'
  to namespace 'fn-...'
  on host ''
Submitted action 'go' for remote building and deployment in runtime go:default (id: some-id)
Processing of 'go' is still running remotely ...
Deployment status recorded

Deployed functions ('doctl sls fn get <funcName> --url' for URL):
  - challenge/go

And to run the Function we can use doctl serverlesss function invoke or the shorter form shown below.

doctl sls fn invoke challenge/go -p sammyname:yay -p sammytype:robot