This project was generated with Angular CLI version 15.2.5.

Project Title

Peer-to-Peer Money Transfer Application (CashMingle)

Tech Stack

Client: Angular, Bootstrap, Tailwind CSS, Angular Material

Server: C#, .NET

Database: SQL Server

Click here - Server Side Github Link

Project Description

This is a P-2-P money transfer application (Front-End)

It is built to meet industry standard in terms of security, speed and user experience

It covers every aspect from -

  • User Registration and Login

  • Deposit, Withdrawal, Money Transfer (Internal and External), Utility Bills Payment, e.t.c

  • Email And SMS confirmation, Two Factor Authentication with OTP, and Full User Management

  • Full Admin Management system

  • Fully Responsive in All Devices


Project Link to be released soon or you can run the project locally for full interaction


To Run The Project Locally -

Your device should be compatible with Angular 15 and above

Clone the project with the projects Github link

  • Open your Terminal

Run the following command -

  • npm install - to install all project dependencies

  • cd cashmingle - to enter the project's directory

  • ng serve --o - to open the project on localhost

You have to run the server also on your local machine to be able to interact with this project's client side fully

  • link to server above



Suggestions and Contributions are always welcomed!


🔗 Links

linkedin portfolio