
A Task Manager Application

Primary LanguageTypeScript


This project was generated with Angular CLI version 17.0.9.

Project Title

Task Tracker Application

Tech Stack

Client: Angular, Tailwind CSS, Angular Material

Database: Firebase


  • User Registration and Login
  • Add, Edit, and Delete Tasks
  • Fully Responsive in all devices
  • Drag and drop to update task's progress
  • Filter task based on Task Priority and Status
  • Local storage for persisting login credentials
  • Notifications on successful amd failed operations
  • Unit test for task component


Project Preview Link - https://task-manager-zeta-teal.vercel.app/


To Run The Project Locally -

Your device should be compatible with Angular 17 and above

Clone the project with the projects Github link - https://github.com/rabbiincode/TaskManager

  • Open your Terminal

Run the following command -

  • npm install - to install all project dependencies

  • ng serve --o - to open the project on localhost

Login and test the application -



Suggestions and Contributions are always welcomed!

🔗 Links
