Generates 'Conway's Game of Life' gliders within a terminal using Curses.
A new glider will spawn every 10 seconds or so, traveling southeast.
-w [number] Set playfield width (min 1, max 256, default 80)
-h [number] Set playfield height (min 1, max 256, default 25)
-start-gliders [number] Set number of gliders on the first tick (min 0, max 100, default 3)
-spawn-rate [number] Set the amount of time in tenths of a second before spawning a new glider (min 1, max 32767, default 100)
./life -w 100 -h 100
./life -w 150 -h 40 -start-gliders 8 -spawn-rate 40
gcc main.c -o life -lncurses