
Converts a subset of XML to Lua table form

Primary LanguageLuaMIT LicenseMIT


Converts a subset of XML to nested Lua tables.

Usage Example

local xmlToTable = require("path.to.xml_to_table")

local lua_tree = xmlToTable.convert([[
 <element1 attr1="Hello" attr2="World">some text</element1>
 <empty_element />

-- Look for the root element (it may not necessarily be lua_tree's first child,
-- as PIs can appear before the root tag.)
local root_element = lua_tree:getRootElement()

-- Find a child element by its name
local e1 = root_element:findChild("element1")

-- If found, print its attribute key="value" pairs
if e1 then
	for i, attrib in ipairs(e1.attribs) do
		print(i, attrib.name, attrib.value)
1	attr1	Hello
2	attr2	World

-- Print the tree results for testing.
 <element1 attr1="Hello" attr2="World">
  some text
 <empty_element />

Note that larger XML files will result in very clunky tables. You can use this as an intermediate step, and construct a second table from it with the contents in the desired format.

Public Functions

xmlToTable.convert(xml_str): Attempts to convert xml_str to a nested Lua table.

  • Returns: A parser root table. Failure to parse the string will raise a Lua error.

xmlToTable.dumpTree(xml_tbl): For debugging purposes. Generates an XML-like string from a converted Lua table. The output may not be valid XML, and unlike convert(), no error checking is performed.

Object Methods

NOTE: You may need to do some digging to identify what types of entities you have. The entity type is stored in its id field. The table returned by xmlToTable.convert() is always a Parser Root (it's not an XML construct, but it contains the final results from the parser.)

The Parser Root (lua_tree)

lua_tree:getElementRoot(): Searches for the document root element. (lua_tree.children[1] may not contain the actual root, as some content such as Processing Instructions may appear before it.)

  • Returns: the root element.

lua_tree:findChild(id, [i]): Searches for the first entity (element, processing instruction) with the name id, starting at index i (default: 1) in the parser root's list of children.

  • Returns: the first result, or nil if no match was found.

XML Elements

element:getAttribute(key_id): Look for an attribute named key_id in this element, and return its value if found, or nil if it wasn't populated.

element:findChild(id, [i]): Searches for the first entity (element, processing instruction) with the name id, starting at index i (default: 1) in the element's list of children.

  • Returns: the first result, or nil if no match was found.

Text Nodes

text_node:getText(): Returns the text node's string content.

Processing Instructions

pi:getText(): Returns the Processing Instruction's string content.


Some parsing options can be tweaked in xmlToTable.options. It is recommended to leave them as-is unless you have special requirements.

options.prepass.doc_check_nul: (true) Check the XML string for Nul bytes (0x0), which are forbidden by the spec.

options.prepass.doc_check_xml_unsupported_chars: (true) Check XML string for Unicode code points that are not supported per the spec.

options.prepass.normalize_end_of_line: (true) Convert 'carriage return + line feed' and 'carriage return' to just 'line feed', per the spec. One possible reason for disabling this: you control the incoming XML strings, and know for a fact that they are already normalized. (Doing this in Lua may generate up to two temporary versions of the XML document string.)

options.validate_names: (true) Confirm that XML Names conform to the spec's requirements. (Doesn't start with 0-9, etc.)

options.check_dupe_attribs: (true) Disallow multiple element attributes with the same name.

options.keep_insignificant_whitespace: (false) Keep character data entities which are comprised solely of whitespace between element tags. NOTE: This option may not be working correctly (when true) and needs more testing.

Not Yet Supported

  • The XML Declaration is parsed, but nothing is actually done with its contents yet.

  • Document Type Declarations (DTDs / <!DOCTYPE...>) and XML Schemas. The parser will throw an error upon encountering a DTD tag.

  • The xml:space special attribute.

  • UTF-16 encoding. (The spec mandates it.)

  • XML 1.1 features.


Ver 1.0.1 - 2022-03-19

  • Fixed XML name validation failing on names with multi-byte code units, such as <aæe></aæe>.
  • Added changelog.

Ver 1.0.0 - 2022-03-17

  • First standalone release.