This application can be used as starter kit if you want to get started building an single page application with Laravel and React JS. This is a classic forum using features like registration and signing in, managing threads, commenting, searching threads, like threads and replies, mark replies as best and many other feature which can be found in most web applications.
- React JS - A JavaScript Library for building great user interfaces.
- Bootstrap 4 - Bootstrap is the most used CSS framework.
- Redux - A state management library for front-end applications and serves as a central store for the application.
- PHP 7.2
- SQLite3 for development and MySQL for production.
- Laravel - A PHP Full stack framework
- Tymon/Jwt-auth - A library used in laravel for Json Web Token authentication
- CRUD (create / read / update / delete) on threads.
- CRUD (create / read / update / delete ) on replies.
- Mark replies as best by the thread's owner.
- Like threads for authenticated users
- Favorite replies for authenticated users
- Pagination on threads listing
- Searching on threads
- Registration
- PHP 7.2
- SQLite3
- Git
- Composer
- Npm (or Yarn)
Clone the project from Github
$ git clone $ cd laravel-react-forum laravel-react-forum$
Install the packages for laravel:
laravel-react-forum$ cd server laravel-react-forum/server$ composer install
Create the sqlite database file:
laravel-react-forum/server$ touch database/database.sqlite
Create the .env file :
laravel-react-forum/server$ cp .env.example .env
Generate the encryption key for Laravel :
laravel-react-forum/server$ php artisan key:generate
Add database information :
laravel-react-forum/server$ vim .env
Load sample records:
laravel-react-forum/server$ php artisan migrate --seed
Generate JWT secret key:
laravel-react-forum/server$ php artisan jwt:secret
Run the Laravel Server in development mode:
laravel-react-forum/serve$ php artisan serve
Start server in development mode. You should be able to go to
and seeApplication running
Move to the client directory:
laravel-react-forum$ cd client
Install client dependencies (if you use npm, npm install):
laravel-react-forum/client$ yarn
Start react development server (if you use npm, run npm run start):
laravel-react-forum/client$ yarn start
Start client in development mode. You should be able to go to
The project is still in development