
Projects and resources developed in the FED Nanodegree from Udacity.

Developed a Personal Blog website using HTML5 and CSS3. Skills include:

  • Created Home and Blog pages using CSS Flexbox and Grid frameworks
  • Provided custom images, layout and styling to both pages
  • Pages made mobile-friendly and responsive on most popular devices

Proficiencies include: HTML5, CSS3, Flexbox, CSS grid

Project 2: Landing Page

Developed a Landing Page using HTML5 ,CSS3 and Javascript. Skills include:

  • Built navigation Dynamically using Javascript
  • When menu in navigation is clicked, appropriate section is scrolled to viewport

Proficiencies include: HTML5, CSS3, Javascript

Project 3: Weather Journal App

Developed an asynchronous web app that uses Web API and user data to dynamically update the UI for a Weather-Journal App. Skills include:

  • Built a Node environment with Express and the necessary project dependencies: cors and body-parser
  • Setup GET and POST routes
  • Used the Fetch API with my credentials and user input to get dynamic data into app routes
  • Chained different promises together
  • Accessed HTML elements with JavaScript and set their properties dynamically

Proficiencies include:

  • HTML5, CSS3
  • Javascript with Node and Express

Project 4: Evaluate News Article with NLP

Developed a web tool that allows users to run Natural Language Processing (NLP) on articles or blogs found on other websites. Skills include:

  • Built a Node environment with Express and the necessary project dependencies: cors and body-parser
  • Setup GET and POST routes
  • Used the Fetch API with my credentials and user input to get dynamic data into app routes
  • Chained different promises together
  • Accessed HTML elements with JavaScript and set their properties dynamically
  • Setting up Webpack server
  • Add Webpack Loaders and Plugins
  • Engaging in Sass styles
  • Implementing Service workers

Proficiencies include:

  • HTML5, CSS3
  • Javascript with Node and Express
  • Webpack server
  • Node.js and Express server
  • Service workers

Project 5: Travel App

Developed a travel app that, at a minimum, obtains a desired trip location & date from the user, and displays weather and an image of the location using information obtained from external APIs. Skills include:

  • Built a Node environment with Express and the necessary project dependencies: cors and body-parser
  • Setup GET and POST routes
  • Used the Fetch API with my credentials and user input to get dynamic data into app routes
  • Chained different promises together
  • Accessed HTML elements with JavaScript and set their properties dynamically
  • Setting up Webpack server
  • Add Webpack Loaders and Plugins
  • Engaging in Sass styles
  • Implementing Service workers
  • Designed page and layout

Proficiencies include:

  • HTML5, CSS3
  • Javascript with Node and Express
  • Webpack server
  • Node.js and Express server
  • Service workers