
RabbitMQ exchange type for randomly selecting which queue to route to for load balancing.

Primary LanguageMakefileOtherNOASSERTION

RabbitMQ Random Exchange Type

This repository has been moved to the main unified RabbitMQ "monorepo", including all open issues. You can find the source under /deps/rabbitmq_random_exchange. All issues have been transferred.


This exchange type is for load-balancing among consumers. It's basically a direct exchange, with the exception that, instead of each consumer bound to that exchange with the same routing key getting a copy of the message, the exchange type randomly selects a queue to route to.

There is no weighting or anything, so maybe load "balancing" might be a bit of a misnomer. It uses Erlang's crypto:rand_uniform/2 function, if you're interested.


Install the corresponding .ez files from our GitHub releases or Community Plugins page.

Then run the following command:

rabbitmq-plugins enable rabbitmq_random_exchange

Building from Source

Please see RabbitMQ Plugin Development guide.

To build the plugin:

git clone git://github.com/rabbitmq/rabbitmq-random-exchange.git
cd rabbitmq-random-exchange

Then copy all the *.ez files inside the plugins folder to the RabbitMQ plugins directory and enable the plugin:

[sudo] rabbitmq-plugins enable rabbitmq_random_exchange


To create a random, just declare an exchange providing the type "x-random".

channel.exchangeDeclare("logs", "x-random");

and bind several queues to it. Routing keys will be ignored by modern releases of this exchange plugin: the binding and its target queue (exchange) are picked entirely randomly.

Extended Example

This example uses Bunny and demonstrates how the plugin is mean to be used with 3 queues:

#!/usr/bin/env ruby

require 'bundler'
require 'bunny'

c  = Bunny.new; c.start
ch = c.create_channel

rx  = ch.exchange("x.rnd", durable: true, type: "x-random")

q1 = ch.queue("r1").bind(rx)
q2 = ch.queue("r2").bind(rx)
q3 = ch.queue("r3").bind(rx)


100.times do
  rx.publish(rand.to_s, routing_key: rand.to_s)


# the consumer part is left out: see
# management UI

puts "Done"
