[NeurIPS 2022] Non-rigid Point Cloud Registration with Neural Deformation Pyramid
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name 'i' is not define.
#11 opened by Leestronger - 0
Transformation matrix R and T
#16 opened by YH188 - 2
NameError: name 'SamplesLoss' is not defined
#15 opened by zikai1 - 0
How should I train my dataset?
#14 opened by wyaimyj - 4
Could you please provide a demo.py
#3 opened by simba611 - 1
show the intermediate state of registration
#13 opened by 1215232494 - 0
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When I run the NDP sample, the following scenario occurs, and the dataset is present
#4 opened by Huaixv17 - 2
Are the two data sets required the same?
#10 opened by balabalaboy - 4
Training DeformationPyramid
#7 opened by aiday-mar - 1
Training on own data
#8 opened by desaibhargav - 1
But why should points that exist in the source point cloud but do not exist in the target point cloud also be registered?Shouldn't the purpose of registration be to register the corresponding points that exist in both point clouds?
#6 opened by Huaixv17 - 3
[BUG] Two splits use the same stats_meter
#1 opened by qinzheng93 - 2
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