
This is a repository about GitHub commit message convention.

Commits 👮

Try and make small commits, it will be easier for us to review and merge them and also it will be easier for you to fix any errors if there are any.

Commit Message Format 🔐

The commit message should be in the format of type(scope): subject where scope is optional type is one of the following:

  • feat : Use this when you are adding a new feature.
  • fix : Use this when you are fixing a bug.
  • docs : Use this when you are adding documentation.
  • style : Use this when you are changing the style of the code.
  • refactor : Use this when you are refactoring the code.
  • test : Use this when you are adding tests.
  • chore : Use this when you are changing the build process or auxiliary tools and libraries such as documentation generation.