
Basic structure of express api in Typescript.

Primary LanguageTypeScript


Steps to Initiate Typescript With Node

Step 1

  • Run sudo npm i -g typescript to install typescript globally.
  • Check typescript version by running tsc --version to make sure you installed it correctly.

Step 2

  • Create a file called app.ts touch app.ts
  • Write typescript code in it.
  • To compile it run tsc app.ts. It will generate an actual Javascript file for app.js.
  • If you want to watch your ts file every time when changes happen, run tsc app.ts -w.

Step 3

  • Create a typescript config file by running tsc --init. This will generate a tsconfig.json file with commented options.
  • Make the "target" to es2016
  • Uncomment "outDir": "./" and "rootDir": "./".
  • Add ./dist to outDir. "outDir": "./dist": It will add the compiled js files into dist folder.
  • Add ./src to rootDir. "rootDir": "./src": It will specify the root directory of input files.
  • Make sure to uncomment the "moduleResolution": "node"

Step 4

  • Now move the app.ts file into src folder.
  • Simple run tsc in the project directory to automatically create a dist folder and add the compiled version of app.ts.

Step 5

  • Add package.json file by running npm init -y.
  • Install express: npm i express.
  • Run npm i -D typescript ts-node nodemon @types/node @types/express to install typescript, ts-node, nodemon, types definition of node and express as Dev dependencies.

Step 6

Add Below as Scripts in package.json file

  • "start":"node dist/app.js",
  • "dev": "nodemon --exec ts-node src/app.ts",
  • "build": "tsc -p ."


Run npm run dev to start development, after you finish your work, you can run npm run build to compile the files inside the src folder into javascript files (create a dist folder to store them). In short, the src folder contains the typescript files and the dist folder contains the compiled (into javascript) version of typescript files.