This project demonstrates the capabilities of the Spring Shell framework, as well as testing examples using the Spock Framework.
The solution of the HyperMetro project was taken as the basis. This is a console application that loads a subway map and allows you to execute various commands to work with the metro schema.
In particular, you can find the shortest or fastest route between stations, print various reports, and edit the metro map.
When creating this project, I used:
- Java 17
- Gradle
- Spring Boot + Spring Shell
- Jackson JSON parser
- Spock Framework
To build the application you may use this command:
./gradlew assemble
This command creates executable jar, so on Linux/Mac you may run it by
./build/libs/hypermetro-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar ../../london.json
On Windows and also on Linux/Mac systems you can run it by the command:
$ java -jar build/libs/hypermetro-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar london.json
Please note, that in order to run the application you should specify a metro schema as an argument.
Built-In Commands
clear: Clear the shell screen.
exit, quit: Exit the shell.
help: Display help about available commands.
history: Display or save the history of previously run commands
script: Read and execute commands from a file.
stacktrace: Display the full stacktrace of the last error.
Metro Commands
add-head: Adds a new station at the beginning of the metro line
append: Adds a new station at the end of the line
connect: Adds a transfer connection between two metro stations
fastest-route: Finds and prints the fastest route between two metro stations
lines: Prints information about metro lines
output: Outputs all stations for a given metro line
remove: Removes a station from the metro map
route: Finds and prints the shortest route between two metro stations
You may check the documentation:
- JavaDoc for the program
- Specifications by Spock Reports