Ecommerce Webframe Kit

This repo has been cloned pixel-perfect from figma. You can access the site at this address.

The site, which was created using only html and css, has 1 main css file and html files consisting of 15 sections.


  • main.css file holding all style files.
  • index.html creates the header part of the site.
  • hero01.html and hero02.html form the hero part of the site.
  • shop01.html and shop02.html form the shop part of the site.
  • product01.html and product02.html form the product information part of the site.
  • cart.html section creates the section on the site where card information can be entered.
  • checkout-addrees.html , checkout-payment.html , checkout-shipping.html sections form the section on the site that contains the users' address information, payment information, and order taking information.
  • login.html and login-email.html parts create the login part of the users to the site.
  • reviews.html section creates the section where the site is evaluated by users.
  • footer.html section contains the lowest section information of the site.


Rabia Uğurlu - rabiaugurlu


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details