
R API wrapper for RAWG.io

Primary LanguageR


R API wrapper for RAWG.io

Rawg is an R package which provides access to the RAWG.io API. Complete functionality of the API is supported.

A small shiny app to demonstrate what can be achieved using the package Rawg can be found here.



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Getting Started





id name slug
1 writer writer
2 director director
3 composer composer
4 artist artist
5 producer producer
6 designer designer
7 programmer programmer

Documentation for API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to https://api.rawg.io/api

Function HTTP request Description
creator_roles_list GET /creator-roles Get a list of creator positions (jobs).
creators_list GET /creators Get a list of game creators.
creators_read GET /creators/{id} Get details of the creator.
developers_list GET /developers Get a list of game developers.
developers_read GET /developers/{id} Get details of the developer.
games_achievements_read GET /games/{id}/achievements Get a list of game achievements.
games_additions_list GET /games/{id}/additions Get a list of DLC's for the game, GOTY and other editions, companion apps, etc.
games_development_team_list GET /games/{id}/development-team Get a list of individual creators that were part of the development team.
games_game_series_list GET /games/{id}/game-series Get a list of games that are part of the same series.
games_list GET /games Get a list of games.
games_movies_read GET /games/{id}/movies Get a list of game trailers.
games_parent_games_list GET /games/{id}/parent-games Get a list of parent games for DLC's and editions.
games_read GET /games/{id} Get details of the game.
games_reddit_read GET /games/{id}/reddit Get a list of most recent posts from the game's subreddit.
games_screenshots_list GET /games/{id}/screenshots Get screenshots for the game.
games_sitemap_read GET /games/sitemap Get The Sitemap Games list.
games_stores_list GET /games/{id}/stores Get links to the stores that sell the game.
games_suggested_read GET /games/{id}/suggested Get a list of visually similar games.
games_twitch_read GET /games/{id}/twitch Get streams on Twitch associated with the game .
games_youtube_read GET /games/{id}/youtube Get videos from YouTube associated with the game.
genres_list GET /genres Get a list of video game genres.
genres_read GET /genres/{id} Get details of the genre.
platforms_list GET /platforms Get a list of video game platforms.
platforms_lists_parents_list GET /platforms/lists/parents Get a list of parent platforms.
platforms_read GET /platforms/{id} Get details of the platform.
publishers_list GET /publishers Get a list of video game publishers.
publishers_read GET /publishers/{id} Get details of the publisher.
stores_list GET /stores Get a list of video game storefronts.
stores_read GET /stores/{id} Get details of the store.
tags_list GET /tags Get a list of tags.
tags_read GET /tags/{id} Get details of the tag.

API Docs

Link: https://rawg.io/apidocs

Documentation For Authorization

RAWG API does not require authorization. You must however set the parameter app_name to your app name in any function you use.

Other libraries

Python: uburuntu/rawg

Python: laundmo/rawgpy

Node.js: orels1/rawger