A Darktrace CLI written in Python for interacting with the Darktrace API.
python >= 3.7
is required to run dtctl. Although python 3.6
has not been tested, it is reported
to be working.
To get started quickly with the Darktrace cli, do the following:
python setup.py install
dtctl config set secure-dtkey
dtctl --host <host> --pub-dtkey <public Darktrace key> system info
The Darktrace private key can be generated on the Darktrace configuration page. On the configuration page you can also find the corresponding public key.
Alternatively, configure the host, public key and a custom certificate using the various dtctl config set
outputs information in JSON because it is both human readable and machine parsable. If you prefer a
different output format, you are welcome to submit a pull request.
only works in combination with the Darktrace Unified Viewer or with an API enabled master appliance.
For fully using dtctl including running tests ensure the following packages are installed:
Installation is straight forward and can be done using easy-install by doing:
python setup.py install
If you want to install the development environment:
python setup.py develop
Ensure you have the Python Scripts directory in your path if you do not use Virtual Environments. I.e. for windows:
setx PATH "%PATH%;C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37\Scripts"
Finally just run:
A Docker image is made available for getting started with dtctl. If you want to make use of a configuration file, make sure you mount a volume and specify the config file (if not mounted to the default config file location).
docker run -v $HOME/.dtctl:/root/.dtctl rabobankcdc/dtctl --help
To build from Dockerfile
docker build -t dtctl .
Development follows the Gitflow Workflow but without the use of the Gitflow extension. For background information check Gitflow Workflow
In short:
- Commit your changes in the
branch - Build features in feature branches (i.e.
) - Merge feature branches into the
branch - Run tests and linting
- Merge the
branch into themaster
branch when production ready - Tag the
branch for each release
Test coverage is limited and tests mainly focus on CLI interface. Tests can be run by doing
python -m pytest tests/
When developing make sure you also perform manual testing to ensure correct workings of dtctl
Code style conventions mostly follow Python Style Guide (PEP 8) except for line lengths, and number of arguments and variables. Checks are done with prospector and pylint.
prospector -W pylint
We run pylint separately
pylint --max-line-length=120 --disable=too-many-arguments --disable=too-many-locals --disable=duplicate-code dtctl
- too-many-arguments - Disabled due to click options requiring numerous function arguments
- too-many-locals - Disabled due to reasons
- duplicate-code - Disabled because pylint marks re-used Click arguments and options
- Click - The "Command Line Interface Creation Kit"
We use SemVer for versioning.
This project is licensed under the GNU GPLv3 License - see the LICENSE file for details
- Thanks for the Rabobank CDC team for support
- Heavily inspired by