🐧 arch-post-install

personal arch post install script for a base arch linux installation

✨What does it do?

This script setups my personal arch linux environment. It installs the packages defined in the packages.csv file and clones my personal dotfiles from my dotfiles repository.

📦 Installation

  1. Get the latest arch iso

    • Flash it to a USB
    • Boot from USB
    • If you want to install from a other device, you can do that over SSH. Use "passwd" to create a temporary password for the root user.
  2. Run the command "archinstall"

  3. Set following settings

    • Archinstall language: English
    • Keyboard layout: uk
    • Mirror region: Switzerland
    • Locale language: en_US
    • Locale encoding: UTF-8
    • Drives: Choose single drive and wipe it
      • Filesystem: ext4
      • Create separate partiton for home: no
    • Encrypton: none
    • Bootloader: GRUB
    • SWAP: TRUE
    • Hostname: Set any hostname
    • Root password: set password
    • Create user:
      • username:
      • Add to sudo group
    • Profile:
      • Desktop i3-wm
      • Use gpu drivers according to the machine you install
    • Audio: pipewire
    • Kernel: linux
    • Additional packages: git openssh
    • Network configuration: Use networkmanager
    • Timezone: Europe/Zurich

    Everything else on default

  4. Start install and when finished enter per chroot

    • Open terminal and set keyboard layout: "setxkbmap gb"
    • Start sshd service via "sudo systemctl start sshd"
  5. Post arch installation execute the following command with your main user

bash <(curl -Lks https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rabume/arch-post-install/main/install)

This script requires intereactive input, so you have to be present during the installation.

Manual steps

Setup Wireguard VPN connection

  • Get Wireguard config
  • Import config with the nmcli tool
nmcli connection import type wireguard file wg0.conf

Setup Git profile

Follow the README.md of the git-profile repository.

Setup Vencord

Vencord is a discord client mod.

sh -c "$(curl -sS https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Vendicated/VencordInstaller/main/install.sh)"

Setup Spicetify

Install the spicetify marketplace so you can install themes and extensions.

curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/spicetify/spicetify-marketplace/main/resources/install.sh | sh
  • Adblock
  • keybard-shortcuts

Setup SSH

To setup SSH, you need to copy your SSH keys to the new machine. You can do this with the following command:

ssh-copy-id username@<ip>

Add your SSH keys to the ~/.ssh/config file.

Host github.com
    IdentityFile ~/.ssh/github
    AddKeysToAgent yes

To always use ssh instead of http for GitHub uncomment the following lines in the ~/.gitconfig file:

[url "git@github.com:"]
    insteadOf = https://github.com/

Setup GPG

To setup GPG, you need to copy your GPG keys to the new machine. You can do this with the following command:

gpg --import <keyfile>

Setup Firefox

Setup custom Firefox CSS/JS. Follow the instructions on my github.com/rabume/firefox-css repository.

Setup multiple monitors

Under .screenlayout you can find the screenlayout scripts. You can use them to setup your monitors. The current script is configured for a 3 monitor setup. Uncomment the loadings of the scripts in the i3 config file if you want to use them.