
This app is a Teams message extension app which will simplify a text in the Teams conversation. The app is built using Teams Toolkit for Visual Studio Code and uses OpenAI's completions API to generate simplified text. It also uses the moderation API to check if the message violate OpenAI's content policy.

simplify app added into teams and showing a simplified text of a message


Simplify it for me - To generate a simplified version of the message passed.



  • From Visual Studio Code: Start debugging the project by hitting the F5 key in Visual Studio Code.
  • Alternatively use the Run and Debug Activity Panel in Visual Studio Code and click the Run and Debug green arrow button.

Test the app

  • Clone repository
  • Open project in VS Code
  • Start a debug session to provision resources on first run
  • Add the following variables to bot\src.env.teamsfx.local
  • OPENAI_API_KEY=(your OpenAI key)
  • Stop and start debug session for variables to take effect

Further reading


Message Extension