
TypeScript project to show UAM capabilities in a bot

Primary LanguageTypeScript


A bot that demonstrates UAM capabilities. But really this is a fun project 😍

This bot has been created using Bot Framework, it shows how to create a simple bot that accepts input from the user and echoes it back.

See it work! uam-image


To run the bot

  • Install modules

    npm install
  • Start the bot

    npm start
  • Start ngrok with command below

ngrok http-host-header=localhost:3978 
  • Copy the ngrok url with https and paste it in the BOT configuration under Messaging endpoint

  • Update the botId, validDomains and other necessary properties in the manifest.json file in the folder appManifest.

  • Zip the three files (manifest.json and the icons) which is now your Microsoft Teams app

  • Upload it to Microsoft Teams and use it in a Team or Group chat to further test it.

Further reading