
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Build Outlook add-ins using Teams Toolkit

Outlook add-ins are integrations built by third parties into Outlook by using our web-based platform. Now you have the ability to create a single unit of distribution for all your Microsoft 365 extensions by using the same manifest format and schema, based on the current JSON-formatted Teams manifest.


Debug Outlook add-in

  • Please note that the same M365 account should be used both in Teams Toolkit and Outlook.
  • From Visual Studio Code: Start debugging the project by hitting the F5 key in Visual Studio Code.

Edit the manifest

You can find the app manifest in ./appPackage folder. The folder contains one manifest file:

  • manifest.json: Manifest file for Outlook add-in running locally or running remotely (After deployed to Azure). You may add any extra properties or permissions you require to this file. See the schema reference for more information.

Deploy to Azure

Deploy your project to Azure by following these steps:

From Visual Studio Code From TeamsFx CLI
  • Open Teams Toolkit, and sign into Azure by clicking the Sign in to Azure under the ACCOUNTS section from sidebar.
  • After you signed in, select a subscription under your account.
  • Open the Teams Toolkit and click Provision in the cloud from DEVELOPMENT section or open the command palette and select: Teams: Provision in the cloud.
  • Open the Teams Toolkit and click Deploy to the cloud or open the command palette and select: Teams: Deploy to the cloud.
  • Run command teamsfx account login azure.
  • Run command teamsfx account set --subscription <your-subscription-id>.
  • Run command teamsfx provision.
  • Run command: teamsfx deploy.

Note: Provisioning and deployment may incur charges to your Azure Subscription.

To sideload the deployed add-in:

  • Copy the production URL from the ADDIN_ENDPOINT in env/.env.dev file.
  • Edit webpack.config.js file and change urlProd to the value you just copied. Please note to add a '/' at the end of the URL.
  • Run npm run build.
  • Run npx office-addin-dev-settings sideload ./dist/manifest.json.

Validate manifest file

Known issue: manifest validation is not supported for now.

To check that your manifest file is valid:

  • From Visual Studio Code: open the command palette and select: Teams: Validate Application and select Validate using manifest schema.
  • From TeamsFx CLI: run command teamsfx validate in your project directory.

Known Issues

  • Publish is not supported for an Outlook add-in project now.
  • Manifest validation is not supported for now.