Programming with Representation (PwR)

PwR allows you to make changes with just natural language (NL): Describe your change in simple NL and see the LLM make laser sharp edits across the entire stack. Click here for more information

Teams App Stack

We have described our Teams App as a project that has 2 layers:

  1. Adaptive Cards UI
  2. API

(note: PwR is generic and can support any number of layers, any number of files and any number of languages)

Developer notes

  1. Pre-requisites
    1. Python3.10
    2. Poetry
    3. Gemfury key to get the pwr package. You can get this from a PwR Team member
    4. OpenAI API Key with access to both GPT3.5 and GPT4
  2. One-time Setup:
    1. Setup Poetry shell
      $poetry shell
    2. Add Gemfury key
      $poetry config http-basic.fury <TOKEN> NOPASS
    3. Install all the dependencies
      $poetry install
      $poetry update
    4. Add .env file
      # If you are using Azure OpenAI uncomment the following rows
      # OPENAI_API_BASE=""
      # OPENAI_API_TYPE="azure"
      # OPENAI_API_VERSION="2023-03-15-preview"
      # Change the deployement id if they are different
      # Change these time outs depending on your rate limiting budget
  3. Run the PwR agent
    $poetry run python3 --change <natural language change>