Parted Tutorial

ESP Size:

The Boot Loader Specification which suggests that the ESP partition should be about 477 MiB (500 MB).

As per the Arch Linux wiki, to avoid potential problems with some EFIs, ESP size should be at least 512 MiB.

550 MiB is recommended to avoid MiB/MB confusion and accidentally creating FAT16.

parted: create multiple partitions

example 1 format (execute each command seperately)

    parted /dev/sda print                                                # verify if label is present eg gpt or legacy bios
    parted -s -a optimal -- /dev/sda mklabel gpt                         # create gpt lable; -s; --script, -a; --align optimal, "--" no more options
    parted -s -a optimal -- /dev/sda mkpart ESP fat32 0% 550MiB          # ESP/EFI 0550MiB *start with 0% no other unit worked for me*
    parted -s -- /dev/sda set 1 esp on                                   # esp on = UEFI; boot on = BIOS
    parted -s -a optimal -- /dev/sda mkpart primary ext4 577MB 1577MB    # boot    1000MiB *inserted suggestion*
    parted -s -a optimal -- /dev/sda mkpart primary 1577MB 100%          # LVM    1000MiB *inserted suggestion*

example 2 format (one command over multiple lines)

    parted -s -a optimal -- /dev/sda \
    print \
    mklabel gpt \
    mkpart ESP fat32 0% 550MiB \
    set 1 esp on \
    mkpart primary ext4 577MB 1577MB \
    mkpart primary 1577MB 100%

example 3 format (one liner)

    parted -s -a optimal -- /dev/sda print mklabel gpt mkpart ESP fat32 0% 550MiB set 1 esp on mkpart primary ext4 577MB 1577MB mkpart primary 1577MB 100% print         for i in {1..3}; do parted /dev/sda rm $i; done