
premier is an intuitive throttler that supports various backends and throttling algorihms, it can be used in distributed application for throttling web-api and any regular function.

Primary LanguagePython


premier is an intuitive throttler that supports various backends and throttling algorihms, it can be used in distributed application for throttling web-api and any regular function.


  • Distributed throttling via redis or other backend.
  • Support asyncio mode
  • Support various throttling algorithms
  • Designed to be highly customizable and extensible.


  1. decorate functions to be throttled
import httpx
from premier import limits, throttler, ThrottleAlgo, RedisHandler

fixed_window = throttler.fixed_window(quota=3, duration=5, algo=ThrottleAlgo.FIXED_WINDOW)

def request(url: str) -> str:
    r = httpx.get(url)
    return r.text

async def async_request(client: httpx.AsyncClient, url: str) -> str:
  r = await client.get('https://www.example.com/')
  return r.text
  1. config throttler when app starts
from redis import Redis
from redis.asyncio.client import Redis as AIORedis

REDIS_URL = "redis://@"
redis = Redis.from_url(REDIS_URL)
aredis = AIORedis.from_url(REDIS_URL) # only if you need to throttle async functions

    handler = RedisHandler(redis=redis),
    aiohandler = AsyncRedisHandler(aredis), # only if you need to throttle async functions
    algo=ThrottleAlgo.FIXED_WINDOW, # use fix window as the default throttling algorithm
    keyspace="premier", # set premier as the keyspace


pip install premier

Advanced Usage


by default, premier creates keyspace of this format for throttled functions


name explain default
keyspace customized string provided by user "premier"
module module name where function is defined in func.__module__
funcname name of the function func.__name__
algorithm throttling algorithm of the function fixed_window

Customized throttle key

You might provide your own keymaker to the 'throttler' function like this

from premier import throttler

@throttler.fixed_window(quota=3, duration=5, keymaker=lambda a, b: f"{a}")
def add(a: int, b: int) -> int:
    res = a + b
    return res

Supported Backend

backend sync async
redis supported supported
memory supported supported

Supported Algorithms

algorithm status
fixed window supported
sliding window supported
leaky bucket supported
token bucket supported


  • python >= 3.10
  • redis >= 5.0.3



  • support lowering version python by using type-extensions
  • implement timeout feature
  • implement retry feature
  • implement cache feature

API Design:

type Strategy = ty.Callable[[int], float]

@retry(strategy="expo", max=3, on_exception=(TimeOut, QuotaExceeds))
def add(a:int, b:int):
    return a + b