This is based on that election example by Gregory from Dapp University.
Create a simple decentralized trading platform where people can buy something or sell it, working in the following way:
- Selling:
- You put what u wanna sell
- If someone also wants to buy that stuff
- You receive ether
- If not, you gonna leave ur request until someone wants it
- Buying:
- You check all the offers
- If you like something
- You buy it via sending money to that person
- If you don’t and want something precise
- You leave your request
- Public List of Objects:
- Each object:
- Name
- Description
- Owner
- Available : bool
- ID
- Price
- Each object:
- Objects count
- Buy_object function (Object ID) :
- Verify object exist
- Verify price and amount of money sent
- Procede with the buying
- Remove the object from the list ? How ? - Maybe add a field that says its sold or not ..
- Add_Object function:
- Verify all fields are 3amren
- Verify duplicate objects
- Add it to the list
- Increment objects Count
- For starters:
- Have the main page show a list of objects
- Buy:
- Have a button “buy”
- Add:
- Takes you to page with a form to fill to add the object
Exchange contract partly working: Not sure if the money gets transfered (Does but we should specify how much in the code) ... VM Exception while processing transaction: revert : Solved
When adding item ... Out of Gas occurs : Solved
Metamask Problem: After getting the instance of web3.. i cant get the account iam using ==> Transactions not working .. (line15, 16 should be in the else ... ToBe Fixed) : Solved
Specifying how much eth to send with the transaciton (line 102 app.js) and how much gas (line 102, 119 app.js) : Solved
Improve smart contract code:
- Verifications
- ...