
Web application featuring an interactive, reveal-to-discover way of providing information making the navigation of the site feel fun and like a game. The goal of this applicaton was to show my passionate side for user experience as well as demonstrate a strong understanding of the 3 cardinal languages of Frontend Development. Made entirely in vanilla HTML, CSS, and Javascript.

features using Javascript:

  • a scrolling banner that presents a random cat fact
  • a little personality quizzlette determining which cat the user is most like
  • a pop out style menu with info and images on each furball in my life

To Demo:


completed goals

  • ensure site remains aetheticly pleasing
    • master use of flexbox and grid to do so
  • create pop out elements in menu that reveal information about each furball
    • have info pannel menu items auto close when another is selected
  • include images throughout maintainig style of site
  • create fully functioning personality quiz

active goals

  • improve media-query responsivness
  • improve style of all galleries for each furball

Flex goals

  • have alert welcoming user recognize when a user has already been alerted
  • create a button to reset quiz without having to refresh the page