Trivia App with TypeScript (TS)

This is an application to get started writing React with TypeScript. The repository is set up using the Create React App TypeScript template - no need to add TypeScript dependencies into this repo.

This repo utilizes the Open Trivia Database API for the trivia questions and answers data.

Set Up

  1. Clone down this repository
  2. Change into the trivia-ts directory
  3. Run npm install to install dependencies
  4. Run npm start to start the application

Extension Ideas

  • Create Score component that keeps track of the player's score.
  • Convert the button HTML elements for the possible answers into a radio button group with another button to submit the selected answer.
  • After 10 questions, give the user a summary of questions they got correct and incorrect.
  • Convert/decode the HTML entities that are sometimes in the trivia question or possible answers (like ").
  • Create a "loading..." state while a question is being fetched from the API.
  • Anything you can think of to make it more fun or personalized!

This project was bootstrapped with Create React App.