Junior Phase Final Project

Getting started

  1. Fork and clone this repo.
  2. npm install.
  3. running npm start will build webpack and then run start-server for you :)
  4. name your database acme_schools_db


The Premise

You are the CTO of a company which manages Campuses and Enrollments. Create a RESTful web platform that allows you to manage your students and campuses. Before getting started, please carefully review the expectations as outlined below.

The tools

For this project, you must use Express to handle HTTP requests and Sequelize to interface with your database. Likewise, you must use React, Redux and React-Redux on the front-end. This means that all important state (i.e. students and campuses) must be managed by the Redux store (unimportant state, like form data, may be managed by stateful React components). Components that display student/campus data should therefore be connected to the Redux store.

Other client side libraries you will need

  • redux
  • react-redux
  • react-router-dom
  • redux-thunk
  • axios
  • any others you'd like to bring in

Requirements + Rubric (see rubric file)


  • the application needs to be deployed
  • the application needs to load without errors (blank screens are not acceptable)
  • do not copy and paste previous code!
  • you will have ample time to complete project, NO EXTENSIONS WILL BE GIVEN
  • build incrementally!
  • if you have an error, fix the error, before attempting to add functionality
  • Turn in a short (2 - 5 minute) video showing each tier and the functionality you accomplished
  • This can just be a screenshare video (on mac, it's command + shift + 5 to open that window, and escape to close it)


  • This is NOT the same project for each class, so even if you heard about a previous class's project don't make assumptions.
  • You are not graded on the passing of the tests, but the achieved functionality of the project.
  • Depending on the version of the project your class gets, you may only have tests through the first tier. If this is the case, think of them as "training wheels".
  • You will likely also need to write your own seed file data!

Views and Functionality

You can determine views and functionality from the requirements and wireframes shown below.