
The goal is to create a working calculator, identical in functionality to on your Mac.

I'm a Web Developer Mode

Getting Started

  • Create a new repository
  • Create and commit your index.html and main.scss
  • Install Bootstrap
  • Add initial HTML
  • Add content and structure using HTML


  • Add all of the buttons
  • Style the buttons to appear on a grid
  • Style the buttons, either copying exactly the style, or exercising your creativity to create a different style if you so choose
  • Make the buttons appear 3D and use CSS transitions to "press" the button when clicked


You are not allowed to use the JavaScript function eval

  • Create and commit main.js
  • Link to your main.js using a <script> tag.
  • Write an alert inside your main.js to ensure that your file is linked properly; it should alert "hello" when you refresh the page For the following, use the code from Eloquent JavaScript to handle click events:
  • Define a function named pushNumber that alert()s the number associated with its event argument when called; add this function as an event listener for the number buttons
  • Define a function named pushOperator that alert()s the operator (+, -, *, /, C) associated with its event argument when called. Add this function as an event listener for the operator buttons Define a function named calculate that alert()s "=" when pressed. Add this function as an event listener for the "=" button Define a variable calculation pointing to an empty array Using Array.prototype.push, perform actions on the calculation variable when numbers and operators are pressed Using a for loop, alert() the calculation when "=" is pressed

Hey, Mikey, I Think He Likes It Mode

  • Make the numbers and calculations appear on the calculator display
  • Add the following functions to your calculator:
    • A button to flip between positive and negative
    • A decimal point (Hint: you can add a decimal point to a String, then change the String into a Number)
    • Scientific calculator functions
      • square
      • cube
      • arbitrary exponent
      • square root
      • cube root
      • arbitrary root
      • log
      • sin
      • cos
      • tan
      • sinh
      • cosh
      • tanh
    • Scientific calculator values
      • pi
      • e

Caffeinated Mode

  • Scientific calculator memory functions
    • mc
    • m+
    • m-
    • mr
  • Make the calculator responsive using the Bootstrap grid so that when the browser is mobile size, the scientific functions disappear