Python Worker Versioning Demo

This repository demos how to set up Temporal Python project that uses worker versioning.

It includes:

  1. A simple workflow and activity
  2. A worker that's set up to use versioning
  3. A client to signal all running workflows
  4. GitHub Actions workflows to build a worker docker image and run release validation
  5. Build scripts


  • Python >= 3.7
  • Temporal CLI
    temporal server start-dev --dynamic-config-value frontend.workerVersioningDataAPIs=true --dynamic-config-value frontend.workerVersioningWorkflowAPIs=true --dynamic-config-value worker.buildIdScavengerEnabled=true


poetry install

Environment Variables

These environment variables are supported by the worker and client of the provided application as well as Temporal CLI unless mentioned otherwise.

BUILD_ID - Build ID for the worker to use (required)

TEMPORAL_ADDRESS - Address of Temporal Server (optional)

TEMPORAL_NAMESPACE - Namespace to use (optional)

TEMPORAL_TLS_CERT - Path to TLS Certificate (optional)

TEMPORAL_TLS_KEY - Path to TLS private key (optional)

TEMPORAL_TASK_QUEUE - Task queue to use (optional) (not supported in CLI)



Includes the "first" workflow version, which we'll call V1.

Based on main and contains a modified, incompatible version of the V1 workflow (V2).

based on workflow-v2 and contains a modified, compatible version of the V2 workflow.

Running the Demo

  1. Export any environment variables required to connect to your namespace.

  2. Run the first version of the workflow code, either directly with npm run worker or using a prebuilt docker image (either via GitHub actions or locally. Make sure to set the BUILD_ID environment if run outside of docker.

  3. Set your enviroment to communicate with the server:

     temporal env set prod.namespace YOUR_NAMESPACE.a2dd6
     temporal env set prod.address
     temporal env set prod.tls-cert-path ca.pem
     temporal env set prod.tls-key-path ca.key
  4. Add the build ID as default for the task queue:

    temporal task-queue update-build-ids add-new-default \
      --task-queue versioned-queue \
      --build-id $MY_V1_BUILD_ID \
      --env prod
  5. Start a couple of workflows:

    temporal workflow start \
     --task-queue versioned-queue \
     --type VersioningExample \
     --workflow-id wf-1 \
     --env prod
    temporal workflow start \
     --task-queue versioned-queue \
     --type VersioningExample \
     --workflow-id wf-2 \
     --env prod
  6. Check your worker logs and ensure it picks up those workflows. They will continue running on this worker for the duration of this demo.

  7. Inspect these workflows in the Temporal web UI and see the added versioning information.

  8. Run the second version of the workflow. This can be done either by switching to the workflow-v2 branch and running npm run worker or by running a container with an image built from that branch. Make sure to set a new BUILD_ID for this worker if run outside of docker.

  9. Add the new incompatible build ID as default for the task queue:

    temporal task-queue update-build-ids add-new-default \
      --task-queue versioned-queue \
      --build-id $MY_V2_BUILD_ID \
      --env prod
  10. Run another workflow:

    temporal workflow start \
      --task-queue versioned-queue \
      --type VersioningExample \
      --workflow-id wf-3 \
      --env prod
  11. Check the second worker's logs and ensure it picks up the workflow.

  12. Inspect the workflow in the Temporal web UI.

  13. Signal all workflows and inspect worker logs an UI. You should see wf-1 and wf-2 signals processed on the first worker and wf-3 on the second.

poetry run python go
  1. Run the third version of the workflow. This can be done either by switching to the workflow-v2.1 branch and running npm run worker or by running a container with an image built from that branch. Make sure to set a new BUILD_ID for this worker if run outside of docker.

  2. Add the new compatible build ID as default for the task queue. As soon as the versioning propagate, polls from the second worker will start failing because there's a newer compatible build ID.

temporal task-queue update-build-ids add-new-compatible \
  --task-queue versioned-queue \
  --build-id $MY_V2_1_BUILD_ID \
  --existing-compatible-build-id $MY_V2_BUILD_ID \
  --env prod
  1. Run another workflow:
temporal workflow start \
  --task-queue versioned-queue \
  --type VersioningExample \
  --workflow-id wf-4 \
  --env prod
  1. Check the third worker's logs and ensure it picks up the workflow.

  2. Inspect the workflow in the Temporal web UI.

  3. Signal all workflows to finish and inspect worker logs an UI. You should see wf-1 and wf-2 signals processed on the first worker and wf-3 and wf-4 on the third.

poetry run python finish
  1. Check the reachability of the build IDs to see which workers can be retired:
temporal task-queue get-build-id-reachability \
  --build-id $MY_V1_BUILD_ID \
  --build-id $MY_V2_BUILD_ID \
  --build-id $MY_V2_1_BUILD_ID \
  --env prod

Building the Docker Image

docker build --tag $MY_IMAGE_TAG --build-arg BUILD_ID=$MY_BUILD_ID .

Setting up the GitHub Action

  1. Modify the IMAGE_NAME environment variable to push to an authorized docker registry.
  2. Paste your docker credentials as DOCKER_USERNAME and DOCKER_PASSWORD (or use a token instead) as GitHub Actions secrets on your forked repository.
  3. Modify the TEMPORAL_ADDRESS and TEMPORAL_NAMESPACE environment variables in ci.yml so they're directed at your server and namespace.
  4. Paste your TLS certificate and private key as TEMPORAL_CLIENT_CERT and TEMPORAL_CLIENT_KEY GitHub Actions secrets on your forked repository.

Release Validation

The release validation process uses existing workflow histories from a given compatible version set and replays them with the current version of the workflows to verify that the code was modified in a backwards compatible way.

The process is triggered on a GitHub pull request if the pull request title contains a [compatible-BUILD_ID] prefix. For example to verify that a commit is compatible with build ID foo, prefix your pull request title with [compatible-foo].