export PYTHONPATH="/Users/rachitsrivastava/Developer/algoTrading/scratch:$PYTHONPATH" ─╯
Folder structure
- constants
- common.py : should have all common constants
- kite.py : should have constants related to zerodha, similary other brokers files should be created. These should have brokerages etc
- kite_historical_data
- these should have csv stocks file data
- lib
- this is created in a scope of microservices, this can be shared among other microservices
- modules ( this is the main code for this micro service, no modules should be dependent except lib folder )
- backtest : all backtesting functions or code should only be here and will be imported from this
- portfolio : this module handles portfolioo management and money management
- strategies : all strategies should be inside this ( remember only dependency should be modules )
- src
- This is not supposed to be shared, specific things should be inside this
- temp
- All data that is not supposed to be pushed should be inside this folder. Any temp csv files etc