
Best Women in Tech Hack at iNTUition v7.0. This app focuses on the niche area of self care in order to uplift the spirit of the user. It uses Flutter and NLP for sentiment analysis.

Primary LanguageDart



Best Women in Tech Hack at iNTUition v7.0


Mental health of people was severely affected during circuit-breaker period as many people were forced to stay away from their friends and family.

What it does:

This app focuses on the niche area of self-care in order to uplift the spirit of the user and to make him feel better about himself and his beautiful life.

How I built it:

Used flutter and NLP for sentiment analysis

Challenges I ran into:

It was quite challenging for us to integrate this app to a cloud server database

Accomplishments that I'm proud of:

We are proud of coming up with a solution for a problem which is highly relevant in the COVID and post COVID era.

What I learned:

We learnt that it is super fun and empowering to work in an all girls team. Further we learnt teamwork, app development and how to work under pressure in less time.

What's next for Calmify:

Calmify plans to come up with a recommendation system for recommending self-care cards which the user enjoys.

Presentation and demonstration:
