Curated list of Machine Learning datasets from Nepalese Researchers.
- Devanagiri Numbers(०-९) Spoken Audio
- Nepali ASR training data set: Nepali ASR training data set containing ~157K utterances
- Nepali Text to Speech: Dataset 1, Dataset 2, Dataset 3
- Air Pollution: EPA Air Pollution Data, Nepal Government Air Pollution Data, Dristhi Air Pollution Data
- River Level Data
- Daily Vegetable/Fruit Price Information
- Location of Mahanagar Yatayat in Realtime
- Tribhuwan International Airport: Realtime Flight Arrival List, Realtime Flight Departure List
- Voting Ballot Paper Dataset
- Nepalese currency: Cash Dataset, Images of 10, 50 & 100 rupee notes
- Faces of Famous People from Nepal
- DHCD dataset: A dataset of Devnagari (Nepali) handwritten characters
- License Plate Recognition (LPR) dataset: Nepali Motorbike License plate dataset
- Nepali Characters Dataset
- Nepali Fonts OCR Dataset
- Nepali Handwritten Digits
- Vehicles Dataset: 4800 images of two-wheeler and four-wheeler vehicles from Nepal
- 16NepaliNews Corpus: 14,364 Nepali language news documents
- 65K Nepali Sentences
- 39K Nepali Wikipedia Articles
- 1000 Sport News
- Nepali Translation Parallel Corpus
- Nepali English Machine Translation Corpus
- Nepal Earthquake Tweets
- Nepali Chat Corpus
- Nagarik News Corpus
- Setopati News Corpus
- Nepali News in English Corpus
- Laxmi Prasad Devkota Poems: Collection of poems of Laxmi Prasad Devkota and contains 119161 characters.
- Nepali Names
- Dummy Nepali People Information
- Nepali News Classification Dataset
- Nepali Ngram
- Nepali Stopwords
- Nepali Wikipedia Articles Dataset
- Nepali Word List
- Nepali transliteration
- Nepali Textbooks: Collection of school textbooks from Nepal assembled by Professor of Anthropology Kathryn March over the last 30 years.
- Nepali Word2Vec
- Nepali Spelling Correction Dataset
- Nepali Contemporary Dictionary
- 80,00,000+ Nepali Wordlist
- English to Nepali dictionary
- Nepali Movies on IMDB