
A repository that contains a collection of various projects developed my me

Web Scraping Projects

S.No Project Name Tech Stack Used Project Information
1 Flipkart Review Scraper BeautifulSoup, Requests, urllib, Flask, HTML, render This website is deployed with render which scrapes the product reviews of the entered product and displays it in tabular format
2 Github Topicwise Repo-Info Scraper BeautifulSoup, Requests, os, pandas Scrapes top topics on github and then scrapes the top 20 repositories information ie, username,reponame,repourl and stars under each category and stores them as a CSV file.
3 Google Image Scraper BeautifulSoup, Requests, urllib, Flask, HTML, render, MongoDB Scrapes Top 20 Google Images related to the search topic
4 Youtube Scraper Selenium, Beautifulsoup, pandas Scrapes the Youtube video URL, thumbnail URL, Title, Views, time of video posted and stores the data in a CSV format

Machine Learning Projects

S.No Project Name Tech Stack Used Project Information
1 Diabetes Prediction python, flask, scikit-learn, HTML, AWS, Azure This website is deployed on AWS & Azure which tell us if user is diabetic or not by using ML Classification models on the input paramaters
2 Breast Cancer Prediction python, flask, scikit-learn, custom exception, logging, code pipelines, HTML This flask website tells us if user is suffering from breast cancer or not by using ML Classification models on the input paramaters
3 Diamond Price Prediction python, flask, scikit-learn, logging, custom exception, code pipelines, HTML This website helps us predict the price of the diamond by using ML Regression models on the input paramaters
4 Book Recommender System python, streamlit, scikit-learn, collaborative-filtering A streamlit app to recommend books to users based on interest
5 Credit Card Fault Detection python, flask, scikit-learn, logging, custom exception, code pipelines, HTML This website helps us predict if the credit card holder will default or not by using ML Classification models on the input paramaters

Computer Vision Projects

S.No Project Name Tech Stack Used Project Information
1 Commercial Band Detection with Detials pytorch, opencv, YOLOv7, LabelImg, data argumentation, Google-Vision OCR This python code takes video as an input which inturn breaks the video into frames and performs detecting of L-Band and I-Band ads with the help of YOLOv7 algorithmn and then extracting the text out of the ads using G-Vision OCR
2 Facial Verification with Siamese Networks google colab, opencv, tensorflow, keras This python code captures the current image of the user and determines if he is verified or not .The siamese network is used to compare the image with the anchor, positives and negatives.
3 GAN Implementation on Fashion MNIST tensoflow, matplotlib, numpy, This python code takes a random input of values and generates images based on the trained dataset. This uses the concept of generator and discriminator where the generator generates the image such that discriminator finds it hard to discriminiate and the discriminator distinguishes between real and fake images

NLP Based Projects

S.No Project Name Tech Stack Used Project Information
1 Spam Classification NLP Project nltk, pandas, scikit-learn This python code detects if a email is spam or ham by using BOW,TF-IDF for conversion from text to number and then applying MultinomialNB model for Classification
2 Text-to-SQL-GenAI streamlit, google gemini api, hugging face, sqlite3 A streamlit app using Gemini api to generate sql queries output on the database based on the text entered by the user

Data Analytics Based Projects

S.No Project Name Tech Stack Used Project Information
1 Whatsapp Chat Analyser streamlit, wordcloud, dataanalysis, jupyter notebook A streamlit app to analyze your personal or group chats
2 Instagram User Anlaytics MySQL (JOINS,SUBQUERIES,AGGREGRATOR FUNCTIONS,GROUPBY), dbFiddle Used MySQL commands to gain valuable insights for marketing and product development
3 IMDB Movie Analysis Google Sheets, data cleaning, documentation Used excel functions, pivot tables and charts for cleaning and analyzing the data
4 Bank Loan Case Study python, google colab, EDA, matplotlib, seaborn, pandas Perform data cleaning and visualization to study and ensure the applicants who are creditworthy of paying up their loan
5 Anlayzing the Impact of Car Features on Price and Profitability python, EDA, matplotlib, seaborn, pandas Perform data cleaning and visualization to study the impact of car features on Price and Profitability
6 ABC Call Volume Trend Analysis Excel, Powerpoint, documentation Proposed a manpower plan to reduce the abandon rate by using Excel functions