
database query

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Bim Query

Bim Query is for front-end web that work with :

framework language progres status project link plan
adonisjs javascript (nodejs) done tested click here done
laravel php - - - immediately
expressjs javascript (nodejs) - - - -


yarn add bim-query

-- or --

npm i --save bim-query

How To

const bimQuery = require('bim-query')

setUrl (optional)

if you need to set default base url


base url must end by /

setAuth (optional)

if you need to set authetication bearer


value must be string without Bearer at first word again

let to start

where (key, arg, value)

  • where (key, value)

    for example, looking for id with number 1

    the query is bimQuery.where('id', 1)

  • where (key, arg, value)

    if you need to put bigger that, small than, but not same

    the query is bimQuery.where('id', '>=' , 1)

  • where (array)

    query in array, you can put more then one query like this

    the query is bimQuery.where([ [ 'location', 'indonesia' ], [ 'age', '>', 18 ] ]) but you can do like this also bimQuery.where('location', 'ind').where('age', '>', 18) that will be return same

orwhere (key, arg, value)

same with where

wherelike (key, value, position)

position Value

  • start_with: (value: string)

    looking for column {key} that start with {value}

    for example : wherelike('key', 'a', 'start_with')

  • end_with: (value: string)

    looking for column {key} that end with {value}

  • any_position: (value: string)

    looking for column {key} that have {value} in any position

  • have_at_{number}: (value: string)

    looking for column {key} that have {value} in the {number}th position

  • start_min_{number}: (value: string)

    looking for column {key} start with {value} and are at least {number} characters in length

  • start_with_end: (value: array)

    Finds any values that start with {value[0]} and ends with {value[1]}

    for example : wherelike('key', ['a', 'd'], 'start_with_end')

between (key, value, value)

if you are looking between some value, for example age between 0-18 between('age', 0, 18)

groupby (key)

offset (key)

limit (key)

orderby (key, value)

with (key)

if table has relation

paginate(max, page) same with page(max, page)

  • paginate(page)
  • paginate(max, page)


if you need return just one column


generate to query object, you can use to third party library


make sure you release if you using this library more than one action in same page for example bimQuery.release().where().with().orderby()


if you want to make new Instance like this : var bimA = new bimQuery.init()

get(url, option)

return for axios library action (promise or async) bimQuery.release().where().with().orderby().page(1).get('user')

post(url, data, option)

put(url, data, option)

delete(url, option)