1sat Mollys

Welcome to the repository for creating 1SatOridinals transactions using python. This is a test to create on 1satordinals


  1. create virtual environment python3 -m venv .venv

  2. Create requiremnts.txt file

  3. pip install git+https://github.com/Beryllium-Team/bitsv@add_key_beta

  4. We will need a private key to your wallet. I used the BSV_wallet script. We need to make a local environment, Run export BSV_KEY="Your private key"

  5. test by running the script to print out your address. python3 1sat.py

  6. Need to convert to hex. Note used bsvlib https://github.com/gitzhou/bsvlib/blob/master/bsvlib/constants.py example OP_RESVERED = b'\xae

  7. we created op.py with all the stuff from bsvlib



Tried using the JaveScript library. May need to try the await function call:

In JavaScript to test out making a 1satordinal. Our problem, we get a transaction promise from createOrdinal. We get a success call and shows a pointer.

This is the output:

tx id is: [object Promise]
Transaction { ptr: 1179704 }


Javascript example. The fundAndBroadcast adds payment and change to the transaction and broadcasts it.

    public async create(file: File): Promise<string> {
        const tx = new Tx();
        const script = this.ordAdd.toTxOutScript()

        tx.addTxOut(new Bn(1), script)

        const parents: PreviousOutput[] = []
        return this.fundAndBroadcast(tx, parents)


JavaScript example using ts-bitcoin library to write the ordinals, using the Bitcoin Script directly.

The FUND portion of fundandBroadcast

    Buffer.from(utxo.txid, 'hex').reverse(),
    new Script(),
    new Bn(satsIn - satsOut - fee),

const sig = tx.sign(
    Script.fromBuffer(Buffer.from(utxo.script, 'hex'),
    new Bn(utxo.satoshis)
    new Script()

const txHex = tx.toHex();


More notes for using JavaScript to create a 1satordinal:

use ts-bitcoin, but to write the ordinals, I just write the Bitcoin Script directly. It's only a few op codes
